Sunday, May 27, 2018

Itaipu Dam

Brief Background:

The Itaipu Dam is the largest hydroelectric energy producer in the world. The Dam is located on the Parana River and also on the border of Brazil and Paraguay. Its construction began in February 1971 and the first unit was complete in May 1984. As of 2009, 20 units have been completed. The Itaipu Dam itself is 7919 meters long and 196 meters high. A total of 12.3 million cubic meters of concrete was used and the total cost came out to $19.6 billion. In 2008 it produced 94,684 megawatts to become the largest amount of power ever produced by a single dam.

How It Works:

The Itaipu Dam is made of four different parts: the earth-fill dam, rock-fill dam, main concrete dam, and wing concrete dam. This dam is a gravity dam, which means that it holds back water by shear size and weight. A cross section of the dam would look like a triangle where the largest part is at the bottom so that it can hold the full force of the river behind it. To generate power 20 generators 53 feet across were installed in the powerhouse. The water in the reservoir then flows through a tube and into the generators each producing 700 megawatts of power.


  • Produces enough to supply Paraguay with 90%, and Brazil with 25% of their power needs
  • Renewable energy
  • Efficient
Image result for itaipu dam


  • Expensive
  • Forced 10,000 families to relocate
  • Submerged Guaira Falls


In the future I think that more Hydroelectric plants will be created and that they will become the main source of renewable and clean energy. If each country creates one or two of these facilities, pollution would decrease and the environment would be better off.

Works Cited
“The Itaipu Hydroelectric Dam Project, Brazil.” Power Technology,
“Seven Wonders of the Modern World: The Itaipu Dam.” Seven Wonders of the Midieval World - Stonehenge,

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